Daniel J. Gomez

I am daniel gomezORCID iD icona bioscientist engineer, data scientist, cloud AI/ML engineer in genetics, neurosciences, genomics, bioinformatics, exercise immunology, virology, cancer biology, and precision medicine. I'm concentrating on computational methods in genomics, spatially resolved mutliomics, single-cell data science, and pathophysiology to do advanced and impactful human translational research.
As a graduate student researcher, I am currently doing my master's thesis in the Snyder Lab at Stanford Genetics to complete a Master's of Science Degree in Biological Sciences at the California State University, East Bay. I received a certification in the Fundamentals of Data Science in Precision Medicine and Cloud Computing at Stanford University School of Medicine, and finishing up my second certification in Fundamentals of AI/ML in Precision Medicine at Stanford Data Ocean with the Deep Data Research Center. I received my Bachelor's of Science degree in Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology from San Francisco State University after transferring from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa in the Molecular Cell Biology program.

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Recent Events and Invited Talks
Thesis Research

Graduate Student Researcher, Genetics

My research includes exercise multiomics and creating single-cell spatial profiles with computational/systems cancer biology, genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics. Essentially, I’m creating an exercise organ map that has spatial charts, spatial transcriptomics, pathogenomics, and routes to multicellular neighborhoods, communities, and spatial context maps with distance graphs and ligand-receptor scores that measure exerkine molecular signal transduction and transcription factor activation and causal genes. This research in health, disease, and resilience is in multiple research consortia: Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity (MoTrPAC), Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project, Human Biomolecular Atlas Project (HuBMAP), Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN), PsychENCODE Project, Human Cell Atlas (Human Gut Cell Atlas, Human Lung Cell Atlas, Human Brain Cell Atlas).
Research and Publications

I'm interested in multiple disciplines of medicine and biosciences, molecular biology, genetics, biomedical data science, computational biology, integrative multiomics, pathology, bioinformatics, biomedical data science/machine learning (AI/ML), single-cell and spatial biology, chemistry, structural biology, biophysics and immunophysics, tissue and organ architecture.

*Denotes co-first authorship
Cannabis Research Saves NASA Astronauts Spaceflight Risks
Guardian Liberty Voice
Online News, 2014   (Article)

Keywords: NASA; cannabis research; spaceflight risks; astronauts; microgravity; medical studies; neuroscience; health science; space exploration

Co-Infection and Cancer: Host-Pathogen Interaction between Dendritic Cells and HIV-1, HTLV-1, and Other Oncogenic Viruses
Tania Mulherkar*, Daniel J. Gomez* Grace Sandel, Pooja R. Jain
Viruses, 2022   (Publication)
CSU ScholarWorks / Drexel University Libraries Conference Proceeding / pdf / Poster / Presentation

We connected dendritic cells (DCs) interactions during co-infections with several malignancies as well as oncogenic viruses and their current respective therapeutics.

Pioneering Organelle Structural Biology
Daniel Gomez
Preprints, 2022   (Preprint)   pdf

Conference Paper, 2023   (Conference Presentation)   video
Conference Paper MDPI AG | Biology and Life Science Forum / Cells 2023 Submission / Cells 2023 Conference Session 2: Organelle Function

Keywords: cancer; Golgi; organelle structural biology; nanoimages; tomograms; therapeutics; cryo-ET; SXT; CLEM; structural biology; organelles; Golgi Apparatus (GA); Parkinsons disease (PD); cryo-ET; alpha-synuclein; neurodegenerative diseases; soft X-ray tomography (SXT); cancer; NDDs

Leadership and Teaching

In addition to research, I am passionate about education, leadership, teaching and mentoring students in the sciences. I have been involved in various leadership roles in academia and industry. With experience in well-funded startups, I continue to pursue research leadership, strategic vision, and organizational supervision during my endevaors and rise in business accumen.

Leadership & Inspiration

President/CEO, Gomera Health 2023-Present

Journal Refereeing

Volunteer Reviewer, MDPI 2022- / MDPI Reviewer Certificate


I have taught Chemistry and Biology undergraduates in General Chemistry Laboratory, Clinical Microbiology Lab, and Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab.
Teaching Associate, BIOL230: Introduction to Clinical Microbiology Lab, Fall 2022
Teaching Associate, BIOL270: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Fall 2022
Teaching Assistant, CHEM161L: General Chemistry I Lab, Spring 2011

Grant Funding

Successfully securing grant funding demonstrates my ability to develop and lead research projects, as well as my expertise in grant writing, timeline forecasting, project managment and budget management.

Funding Image
Funding Image

Graduate Funding

Multiple Grants, Stanford

Undergraduate Funding

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
Molecular Cell Biology Undergrad Program
Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology, John A Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa

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